Justice 1st bless the stage

EJ Today magazine Vol.13

EJ Today magazine Vol. 13

Florence church hosts youth event to encourage and impact children

FLORENCE, SC (WPDE) — Dozens of families and friends trickled into Kingdom Living Temple Church, in Florence on Saturday, for an event aimed to impact and encourage the youth.

The event had music, food, and bounce houses for kids to enjoy. Read the full article >>

Horry Co., Pee Dee farmers partner with group to help those in food deserts

Some farmers in the Pee Dee and Horry County are partnering with a group to help people in food deserts have better access to fruits and vegetables.

New Alpha Community Development Corporation and farmers Kenneth Dixon and Abdul Malik Shabazz, have launched 'The Imani Market.'

The online grocery store allows is purposed to help people who live in food deserts, with no access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Read the full article >>


EJ Today magazine Vol.12

EJ Today magazine Vol. 12

EJ Today magazine Vol.11

EJ Today magazine Vol.2

EJ Today magazine Vol.8

EJ Today magazine Vol.2

Woodberry's interview with Planet Philadelphia

Rev. Woodberry's interview with Planet Philadelphia has been published! More information is below, and you can listen to the show here: https://www.mixcloud.com/PlanetPhiladelphia/community-level-ej-reverend-leo-woodberry-mathy-stanislaus-esq-111822

EJ Today magazine Vol.2

EJ Today magazine Vol.2

6. BCLC Earth Weeknight four with Rev I. Malik Saafir


B.C.L.C. Earth Week Celebration Day Three with Rev. Leo Woodberry


B.C.L.C. Earth Week Celebration Day Two with Bishop Jenkins


B.C.L.C. Earth Week Day One with Deacon Frank Figgers


Congressional Briefing


EPA Briefing


Climate Week 2023

Bonn, Germany

Hamlet, NC & Enviva, NC

Cease Fire Rally, Levy Park in the eastern part of the city of Florence, SC

From Our Training Center Garden

Tanzania Africa receiving PPE donations from New Alpha CDC

League of Women Voters with Kingdom Living Temple Church Members of Florence SC

Tree Planting 2022

Climate Change & Solutions Training for City of Florence Mayor Teresa Myers Ervin, Staff Members, Community Leaders with Former Mayor of Charlotte NC Jennifer Roberts & Rev. Leo Woodberry

Sustainability and Resilience Training Workshop

Get Out To Vote Rally

Notorious RVG RV Reclaim Our Vote and Vote Your Power Promotion

Back to School Jamz 2020

Caravan Protest 2020

SCEN Meeting in Birmingham

Donations to Marion County SC

Justice First Rally Atlanta GA

Britten’s Neck Community Center

Justice First Rally Darlington

Global South Summit

Energy Savings Information Session Kingdom Living Temple